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About Me

I am a South Korean "Italian-English-Korean" multilingual translator working in Seoul, South Korea.

For any translation and language-related services, please feel free to contact me anytime you need.


Sono un traduttore multilingue italiano-inglese-coreano che lavora a Seoul, Corea del Sud.

Sentitevi liberi di contattarmi per qualsiasi richiesta riguardante la traduzione italiano-inglese-coreano.


영어/이탈리아어 전문 번역가 김상태(S.T. Danny)입니다.

현재 전문번역가로 활동하며 신속, 정확, 신뢰에 기반한 질 높은 다국어 번역 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.



* As a verified regular member of and, I can also provide you with my newly updated CVs and resumes upon request. 


* Clients/References -

   SAMSUNG, LG, Hyundai, KOTRA, National Museum of Korea, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Vatican Museums (Musei Vaticani), Tipografia Vaticana, Istituto Marangoni, VOLVO, Good Skin, RS Motors, Damiani Group, Leica Microsystems, MBC, PBC, SBS, NIA, KITECH, KISTI, Tower PMC, Korea Expressway Corporation, etc.



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